Hiilani Luxury Boat Hire
ALL-YEAR ROUND (Except for December)
$1600 per hour (Min 3 hours)
$1750 per hour (Min 4 hours)
We offer $200/hr discounts for bookings on Mondays and Tuesdays.
BYO Surcharge
BYO cruises with a surcharge of $25pp
Beverages - $18pp/hr (std) and $22pp/hr (Premium)
** Both packages include Peroni, Chandon champagne, sparkling water, water, juice, and soft drinks.
The upgraded premium offers higher quality wines and more selection.
Waitstaff Fee
$300 per staff member for up to 4 hours (Additional hours - $50/hr).
1 wait staff is usually required per 15 guests.
Wharf fees
Applicable for CBD Wharves. - $50 per stop
Public holidays and special days are POA.